Noirwomannews’s Weblog

November 22, 2009

Sarah Palin, Going Rogue, everyone’s to blame!

Filed under: News,Politics,Uncategorized,women — noirwomannews @ 7:45 am
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Sarah Palin’s heads across the country promoting her new book “Going Rogue”, which blames everyone for the problems she had during the campaign from Katie Couric to John McCain himself.

Truthfully few took her seriously in the first place, candidates for public office have to be looked at seriously, and no matter what excuses Palin delivers in her book “Going Rogue’, the truth is she was not ready and not qualified to hold the office as vice president.

Part of me really just wished she would have been honest and admit to the facts which were she was not knowledgeable on political issues, policy or even some current events.

There is something respectable about truth and accountability from those running for office. Palin would have gained additional supporters to her team with truth instead of excuses. Politicians do it all the time as the learn from mistakes and continue to seek office in the next election.

 However there is a problem at starting at the top and working your way up when it comes to knowledge. Maybe you need the basic skill set and the other things come along the way

It’s Katie Couric’s fault Palin didn’t know the name of  one single newspaper or magazine during her infamous interview last year. As for most of her other issues they were the fault of McCain’s handlers who treated her as a robot and she had no choice but to jump and ask how high? 

There is no doubt that it was hard for her being a female candidate, but Hillary Clinton was also a female, yet she was able to speak clearly and intelligently on issues concerning the government and Country.

Maybe Palin should simply say the truth, she was in over her head and no one including McCain say the train wreck awaiting which would  follow the announcement of  her as his selected running mate. 

Everyone is not suited for every job in life, or sometimes preparation is required in advance to make a solid respectable attempt. basically, not many people wanted anything to happen to McCain with fear of Palin as number one in life for the oval office.

The smoke has all cleared, and actually even I like Palin better these day’s, because it was never personal, but during the election it was like watching a crash over and over again wanting to jump in and save her from herself.

McCain and his camp were responsible, but it was for placing her in that position in the first place, especially when there were women who could have served them better based on experience and knowledge of government.

That poor Sarah song is old, she is nice and funny and certainly we all have areas where we are smart, but politics is not her area of expertise and the sooner she admits this, or works to change this by studying issues, current events and government, Palin would get more  respect from women and also be seen as a candidate serious enough to claim her faults and take this time to work on her politics.

 Every day women fight the fight and lose battles based on gender, but her problems were not that she was a woman, it was the material she herself presented which was used against her instead. If a man said he could see Russia from his back yard and used it as an example of his foreign policy knowledge, he too would have made the news in a negative light. It wasn’t always get her because she is a woman, sometimes it was amazement of the answers being delivered to media.

The same looks that hurt her based on lack of knowledge on issues got her there in the first place. Unless Palin  really believes McCain’s selected her based on her knowledge of policy. Truthfully she would have to know she was selected because she was a woman. Plain and simple.

Palin does have a future within her party , but what role she will play if anyone’s guess, but her in a political office would require a make over which seems impossible if the person refuses to be accountable for her actions and words during the campaign.

This would mean not blaming others for her lack of knowledge in government or world affairs, and simply state this is an area she is working on and has learned much since the election.

 Apparently her current handlers are not teaching her the art of public relations. Humility and honesty plays out better than the blame game,  adult women can’t blame everything on men, especially when they stay in the game til the end.  Palin waited to the games was over to call out foul! She displayed a confident fiery attitude often in public, now we are to believe she was meek  and vulnerable and  everyone made her do things she didn’t agree with, and say things she didn’t want to say?  Right!

April 6, 2009

Michelle O is Not Jackie O!

Filed under: Uncategorized — noirwomannews @ 7:24 pm
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America seemed to have more to say about a touch of affection between First Lady Michelle Obama and The Queen of England than the Europeans, who by the way saw it for the most part as fascinating.

In America it seemed to be an opportunity to showcase the first lady as lacking etiquette in a foreign country. This is surprising mainly because in this country we often touch as a way of endearing ourselves to others in conversation.

The fascination with the Obama’s is a little maddening, they are after all just people, not from another planet. A touch became world news and received equal coverage to the unemployment rates which were also announced, but quickly ended to give way to more analysts discussing the First Lady and the touch of Queen Elizabeth who responded with a like gesture to the First Lady.

The Queen didn’t show signs of displeasure and her staff delivered a favorable comment on the matter, but here in America that wasn’t enough, instead we have to seek fault in a visit with a new First Lady who apparently felt at ease and comfortable with her meeting with the Queen, and that led her to reach out in an expression of kindness with a gently touch.

More pressing issues are on our world agenda, like the actual meetings of the president with foreign leaders in order to correct the spiraling economy. The First lady is more than capable of serving her duties; after all she is more than eye candy for the president. With degrees from Princeton and Harvard some of the discussions concerning her are not well thought out by professionals.

This is a first lady like no other in many ways, not only is she fashionable, but she is intellectual and its funny how certain aspects of coverage tends to downplay this while highlighting the glamour girl image and comparing her to Jackie Kennedy.

Michelle Obama has little in common with Jackie truthfully, outside of both women married presidents, they both love fashion and set trends, and their children were always first priority. Beyond these basic comparisons these are two very different first ladies, and the world should embrace what each uniquely brings to the country and to the world.

February 26, 2009

A Nation Hopes With Uncertainty!

Filed under: Business,News,Politics — noirwomannews @ 8:34 am
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Hope is the direction of the country as the President addresses the nation in one of the worst economic times ever faced.

As President Barack Obama assured all that better days are ahead,  and assuring the world that as a nation we will rise above the current economic disaster facing the country. His words were listened to and each word held onto by many Americans  facing crisis such as job loss and home foreclosures.

Right beside mainstreet is wall street which continues to wavers with stocks  declining while many of the nations largest banks struggle to stay afloat. Then there are the big three auto makers unsure of their future, yet the president gave hope as he spoke of the United States as  the country that invented the automobile therefore they too will rise to the occasion.

Optimism and hope are words we hang on too, the small business owners around the country seeing doom as they see larger stronger companies dismantle. Hope is a word which encourages us to hold on because something better is ahead, this attitude is the fiber of the country.

It seemed like only yesterday when all of the word was normal. Families able to pay for homes, jobs available, industry moving as if there were a future somewhat secured. Those days are not today, and hope is what the country needs, along with something tangible at the end of a dark tunnel.

As the nation hopes and works with a president burdened with the woes of many, they feel the pain which has not lessened. They see the hope of a future that must be brighter in order to sustain sanity of the man working to feed his family, and the mother struggling to feed her children.

As we look to a stronger economy and hope for a better future we also see hope in education and health care, the presidents message was inspiring and hopeful addressing the concerns of the country. Yet, a little bit of America remains uncertain.

The next step is for mainstreet to feel relief and get back to work, and for wallstreet to once again trust in our markets and be accountable as major forces of power that can crumble the economy with greed and failure to be responsible. People will return to what was once known as normal and as always the market will re adjust itself in time, the question remains how much devastation will take place during the process. 

The presidents strength and confidence allows many to hold on in belief that “that day” will eventually arrive and once again the reality of the dream to prosper will be the light shinning that guides many to our country on faith and hope.

February 16, 2009

Burris…Blago..say it isn’t so for Chicago

Filed under: News,Politics — noirwomannews @ 10:25 pm
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Roland Burris as Illinois Senator seemed like the right thing to do, but questions today swarm around his sudden revelation of being asked by Blagojevich’s brother to donate money to the former governor’s campaign.

Once again the Chicago political circle is looking notorious as Burris is in question as to his truthfulness in answering questions about his knowledge of three request from the governors brother about campaign contributions. Burris was appointed by the governor to fill the senate seat vacated by Barack Obama, he had undergone scrutiny by the senate as well as local politicians opposing his appointment.

Following his appointment Burris headed to the Senate seeking confirmation only to be turned away, he made clear his intentions to seek justice from the senate refusing to acknowledge his appointment due to Governor Blagojevich’s political challenges in Chicago. After consideration the senate agreed to seat Burris, but also noted he needed to be clear of any affiliation to the governor’s current scandal. That was then.

We’ll its no surprise that a tangled web continues to tangle itself instead of unraveling and straighten out, the latter action would require compromise and a setting aside of ego’s and power for the good of the people. Burris set his self up for a challenge accepting the nomination and was obviously well prepared to fight for his right to serve as Illinois Junior Senator. The question remains did he mislead the people and intentionally leave out the information of conversations with the governors brother which would have raised questions due to the current scandal?

An omission, mistake or lie however its put would once again cause the citizens to suffer and make the senate look as if they didn’t do such a good job checking out the candidate. On the other hand was it legal to omit information not requested directly, probably so, yet the omission does not assist with moral or ethics when it comes to the citizens of Illinois.

Blagojevich it appeared made a perfect choice selecting someone well qualified to serve, a one time opponent and most importantly he was thought to not have a number given to his name as someone potentially involved or named in the play for pay scandal.

However the recent development questions once again truth and ethics. Burris say’s he answered all questions asked truthfully; maybe a technicality occurred in answering the correct question in delivering a truthful answer. Either way he is currently in the seat representing Illinois and a cloud of doom lingers as his credibility is questioned as many are now wondering what he knew about the alleged allegations of pay to play involving Blagojevich.

Burris said in a news conference to reporters that he did not accept or pay out any money to the governor’s campaign. The problem with that answer is that all of the initial candidates in question for the seat could have accurately made the same claim. No one actually paid for a seat or made any donations to the governor’s campaign.

January 21, 2009

President Barack Obama Changed America

Filed under: Politics — noirwomannews @ 7:32 am
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Tears flowing down the faces of men and women of all races as never before seen in the history of this country. Over a million people united in celebration in the nation’s capitol as they witnessed the swearing in of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America.


An emotional and overwhelming moment at times seemed to take many back in history to times when things were much different. Blacks fighting for civil rights and equality for years and maybe the very thought of this new first family making what was thought to be impossible a reality . Many thought they were prepared but learned how touching it was as the moment arrived on this cold January day. Young men and women champions of this election watched with pride in this moment of our history as a black president is sworn into office.  Someone who many feel represents all of America. His story gave way to a world far different from the one we knew yesterday on some levels.


 The thing about history is that we are all a part of it, just as blacks weep and thought of the past, there were many of other races embracing change, hope and goodwill to all mankind in order that our world be unified. The greatness in us all pays it forward in someway during our lifetime, and today gratification came to all representing change in America.


Whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics were all living in the moment while seeing a new beginning. History teaches us all something about ourselves and it doesn’t matter if you lived it or not, what matters is acknowledging the lessons and taking part in re writing stories of hope and triumph to pass along to our children.


Today an African American family moved into the White House, a mother, father and two little girls. The thing is they represent families across the country. Their race is only important today because they are the first black family, as adults we take notice, but little girls of all races will look at the two Obama girls watching what they wear and the music they like. Women will look at the First Lady and take on her style while admiring her and the family, or simply critique her as they have first ladies in the past. Men will see Obama as the most powerful man in the world and continue their own quest to power to obtain that oval office.


The basics in life we all relate to and want, sometimes it takes moments like today to remind us in this country how much more alike we are than not, how life delivers lessons to this country right on time when a need exist. There was Martin Luther King Jr. who marched and delivered words that would years later bring tears to our eyes; yes his words still remind us as a nation to come together, while reminding us that some elements of his dream speech are still not present.   There was also John F. Kennedy Jr. who fought for equality and captured the hearts of generations during a time we needed change. His family continues the legacy of fighting for the people.


The word change is simple yet powerful enough that amazingly every so often a leader comes along and change actually happens. A small word that moves people stirs thought and leads the country forward to heal at precisely the right moment. The need for compassion and someone who sincerely believes he can make a difference grips at hearts and souls of Americans. The strength and determination to lessen the burden of our leaders by offering ourselves is truly what individuals are made of in the country, sometimes it just takes the right leader to remind us of how great and capable we are, and that reminder comes at the right moment and time always in our history.


January 7, 2009

Burris Boldness provokes Senate Silliness

Filed under: News,Politics — noirwomannews @ 1:40 am
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Roland Burris headed to the Senate only to be turned away, and he intends to seek justice from the senate gang refusing to acknowledge his appointment due to Governor Blagojevich’s political challenges in Chicago.

We’ll its no surprise that a tangled web continues to tangle itself instead of unraveling and straighten, the latter action would require compromise and a setting aside of ego’s and power for the good of the people. Burris set his self up for a challenge accepting the nomination and was obviously well prepared to fight for his right to serve as Illinois Junior Senator.

Blagojevich made a perfect choice selecting someone well qualified to serve, a one time opponent and most importantly he did not have a number given to his name as someone potentially involved or named in the play for pay scandal. As If there isn’t enough to worry about with a failing economy, now the senate chooses to fight an appointment based on the Governors credentials instead of the candidates.

Right or wrong for taking the position, Burris is qualified and since he dared to accept the appointment, he should be seated as long as he is qualified regardless of the Illinois Governors troubles. Maybe action against the Governor’s actions earlier would have prevented the citizens from having to witness more rumblings in the political circus of what should be the US Senate. Those who should know and understand the law, and who have previously tried to exercise the power to prevent another Senator from being seated named Adam Powell.

I would agree that the trouble facing Blagojevich is outrageous accusations and if, the big question if found to be true are disgusting for the city and its political climate. However until he is charged he is still Governor and has the power to exercise his granted powers, and it is a problem with our system when people can alter and change laws to accommodate disagreement and or exercise personal preferences. The laws are in place to avoid such behaviors and the courts are in place to discipline behaviors of a proven failed politician who misuses his or her office and or power, that right does not belong to the US Senate to punish the governor, it belongs to the courts.

Power seems to drive every aspect of government in this Country, yet in areas where these officials are needed to step up to prevent, credit card rates from skyrocketing, gas prices from rising and foreclosure assistance and jobs for people, you don’t see them running to a camera pushing ethics and concern for the people. Give me a break, Burris sitting as Senator is more of a concern for the senate and politicians than the citizens of Illinois; they already know the man and his record. The concerns of Illinois citizens at the moment are not as shallow, they unlike the members on the Senate floor are facing trying issues of job loss, homelessness and a host of other serious issues which directly impact their lives negatively, and Burris as senator is not one of those issues, only the politicians appear to be whining.

December 16, 2008

Caroline may bring ethics to the senate!

Filed under: News,Politics,Uncategorized — noirwomannews @ 8:30 am
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With all of the drama swirling around some of the most technically qualified politicians these days , one would think the last question related to Caroline Kennedy’s quest for the New York Senate seat would be her lack of political experience.

First of all she would be replacing Hillary Clinton which many have debated her qualification to first hold the seat initially, and later her qualifications to run for president. With all of those questions from critiques she ends her career in the senate as one of the most respected and powerful members. Therefore that is a mute argument.

There are several reasons she is well worth looking at for this position, first of all she is independently wealthy so we know she is not seeking the riches to be gained in the political arena, and power, prestige and privilege she already has, therefore her chances of disgracing us is far less than anyone else who would potentially want the second most important open senate seat.

Let’s keep in mind how hot senate seats are these days and New York has just as tough of a reputation as Chicago. Well not that there Governor would ever try to sell the seat, but lets face it there are some heavy hitters in the political field there and the city is strongly in favor of having things there way when it comes to who gets Clinton’s seat.

The whole legacy of the Clinton’s and Kennedy’s makes no difference to anyone other than the politicians debating the matter. The citizens are way to busy worrying about job loss, foreclosures and food cost, so which dynasty is in place is not a real life issue, and from the looks of it, experience is not all that its cranked up to be when it comes to some politicians.

Greed, power and deceit seems to lure politicians, many with legal backgrounds to the lowest of places, and while there they are far removed from the average citizen, caring only about themselves, power, prestige and money. My thoughts are if you have an opportunity to eliminate those from the mix chances are you could have a great senator, and Kennedy is removed from all three, she needs nothing but a platform to do what her family has done for years and that is simply service.

December 15, 2008

Blago’s gotta go? he say’s no resignation

Filed under: News,Politics — noirwomannews @ 3:20 am
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Over the weekend Gov. Rod Blagojevich attended a meeting with a Chicago high powered lawyer. There were reports that he may resign as early as Monday,but a spokesman for the Gov’s office denied the reports.

Attorney General Lisa Madigan said the gov would possibly resign on Monday, she continues efforts to have him removed from office with planned meetings early next week with officials. the gov’s office said he would not be resigning on Monday.

Chicago politicians and president elect Barack Obama are asking Blagojevich to resign. The heat is on and other politicians are all but calling in the movers to assist with a relocation to anywhere but the governors office in Illinois.
The problems for the governor have only just begun, names for candidates once numbered 1 thru 5 are coming to surface, such as Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., and Valerie Jarrett. The two are not named as part of the investigation into alleged corruption charges against  the governor, but their names existed as candidates interested in filling the vacant senate seat in Illinois.
Jarrett pulled her name out of the race earlier in the process and was later appointed to a position in the Obama administration. Along term friend of the president elect, and she also worked on his campaign.
Jackson was publicly seeking the seat and recently met with the governor, but said today he did nothing wrong, he Say’s he met with the governor only to discuss the interest he had in filing the vacant senate seat. At no time did he propose any pay for play initiatives to the governor said Jackson, also adding that he did not authorize any such deals on his behalf. Jackson  praised the investigation saying its long overdue to rid Illinois of this type of corruption.
President elect Obama said it would be difficult for the governor to work under the current conditions and with others in support has called for Blagojevich resignation.
The governor  went on with his daily business as usual, heading to his downtown office and reports said he would not resign, his attorney reports he did nothing wrong and resigning would make him look as if he was guilty.
Things look pretty bad based on the tapes discussing request for money from his wife being placed on boards where she could earn $150,000 a year. Top that with request of payment in exchange for the senate seat and you have a problem, especially when media attention from around the world is now focused on Chicago. The case is still under investigation.

Bush Dodges Size 10″ Shoes In Baghdad!

Filed under: News,Politics — noirwomannews @ 2:43 am
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President George Bush reacted calmly to two size 10 shoes thrown at him during a secret news conference held Sunday in Baghdad.

The president was meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al- Maliki in an unpublicized farewell tour to the Country.

The journalist threw one shoe at the president who ducked, and the man immediately followed with his other shoe before other reporters in the room tackled him to the floor in restraint offering apolizies saying his views  didn’t represent the Country.

Bush didn’t appear shocked or concerned, matter of fact he showed no concern other than moving out of the way of the flying shoes. Pretty good motor skills.

Bush then joked saying he didn’t know what the guy’s problem was, but this is what happenes when you have a free society where people are allowed to express themselves. The president also referrenced the incident to those where people expressed themselves with fewer than five fingers, or attending rallies where someone decides to yell out,  guess he means the middle finger being thrown up, and the crowds well surely he has faced them recently, not sure if he was speaking from a personal experience  encountered here in the states.

The war is Iraq has never been a globally unpopular war, with 150,000 troops still in the Country, and a death rate climbing for U.S soldiers.

The reporter was reported as saying “This is your Farewell Kiss you dog”! Obviously he was not too happy with the president.

December 12, 2008

Bailout bust…the bucks stop here!

Filed under: Business,Finance,News,Politics,Uncategorized — noirwomannews @ 9:08 am
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The bucks stop here according to the lawmakers voting against the passing of the recent 14 billion dollar proposed bailout.
President George Bush is on the way out, but Republicans failed to rally in support of the proposed aid for the big three failing auto giants. There were some in opposition of the bill who wanted United Auto Workers union to cut wages bringing them in line with Japanese automakers. The current Union contact is in place until 2011 and the UAW wasn’t in agreement to making changes to the current contract.
The current bailout bust was voted down 52-35 which failed short of the 60 votes needed to pass. Most see this as a serious problem for the three auto makers if they are to survive. GM and Chrysler say they may have only weeks before having serious problems, Ford says they can survive a little longer but they too will still need support financially.
Enough is enough, yet this is a serous situation the country is faced with. Some say let them file bankrupt like other companies would be forced to do in the same situation, while others support the bailout in order to keep 3 million employed in an already frail job market.
The dance isn’t completely over, the current administration is looking at what can be done, so the future of the big three isn’t over yet. Most guess they will be saved. Those against suggested the administration use 14 billion from the 700 billion wallstreet bailout package for the automakers.

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